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The North Shore Community Youth Organization and North Shore Varsity Basketball Staff are proud to announce our summer basketball camp returning for the 19th year!


This year we will offer two different levels of instruction depending on the grade of the athlete. For our K-2 athletes, we will run camp from 9:00-12:00 for beginners and will focus on the fundamentals of basketball, while having fun under the guidance of the North Shore coaching staff. 


For our 3rd-9th grade athletes we will run camp from 9:00-3:00. This camp will focus on the fundamentals of basketball, but also teach the athletes cutting edge moves that are used in all levels of basketball today.


The morning hours will be Individual Offensive Skills Camp and will be two hours of constant teaching, instruction and fun.  There are no guest speakers and no breaks, just learning and skill work for the entire session. The second part of the day will be devoted to our North Shore Team Camp. During this session, the athletes will be divided into teams of equal ability and learn to work as one under the guidance of the varsity coaches and college and high school athletes.


These camps are extremely popular and will close out, so please register as soon as possible to ensure that your child can attend.



Monday, June 30- Thursday, July 3​



North Shore High School, North Shore Middle School and Glenwood Landing Elementary



Boys and Girls – Rising grades K-2 9:00-12:00 at GWL Elementary

Girls and Boys- Rising grades 3-4 9:00-3:00 at North Shore Middle School

Girls and Boys- Rising grades 5-9 9:00-3:00 at North Shore High School

Grades are as of September 2025



K-2nd Session- $200 for the week

3rd-9th Sessions- $375 for the week



There will be a break for the athletes in the 9:00-3:00 camp to have lunch. Please be sure to pack a lunch.

There will be a short snack break for K-2 campers.


Campers should pack their own snack/lunch. Drinks will be available, but campers are encouraged to bring their own water also. 




If you have any questions, please email Keith Freund at In order to pay, a check made out to "NSCYO" or cash, will brought on the first day. If you have questions about prorating the cost per day, please reach out.


**If you have multiple children signing up, please fill our a registration form for each of them**


Please fill out the Google form below to reserve your spot.

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